Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Making a Quiet Time Really Work

(Works for Me Wednesday)

Quiet times are so hard. You know? It's so hard to intentionally put aside time each day to spend with God. I want it to be an "intimate" time with the Lord, but sometimes I'm doing good just to read a verse. And sometimes, I just don't want to pray. Sometimes, scrolling through facebook, or checking my email sounds much more appealing that reading the words of my Creator! What is wrong with me?

I'm sinful. That's what is wrong. BUT, I am saved, so I have the Spirit working in me to make me like Christ. I DO want that intimate time with God each day, so I have begun to set up boundaries for myself just like I would if I wanted to avoid any other sin.

I wake up each morning with a routine. I wash my face, take the dog out, feed the dog, make coffee, and fix my breakfast. I do all that within about 15 minutes. That leaves me about 45 minutes of "free" time. I could use this free time to sleep in longer, do laundry, or waste my life away on facebook, but I have made a rule for myself:

 I am not allowed to do anything else until I've read my bible and prayed. 

I know that sounds simple, but it works for me. I'm not allowed to get on facebook, twitter, instagram, or email until I've read my bible and prayed. No one is holding me accountable, but you know what's funny? I think God is helping me out. This morning, I was feeling rebellious and hopped on facebook as I sat down with my breakfast, and facebook proceeded to NOT load so I had to close it and read my bible:)

Spending time with the Lord is important. He speaks to us through his Word, and works in us when we spill our heart to Him. If nothing else, praying each morning has made me realize how much my God loves me and wants me. He wants to know everything-not because he doesn't already know, but because it reminds me that He knows and cares.

Anyway, that's what works for me! What do you do to make your quiet time work each day?

Much love,

I'm linking up with We are That Family today:)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Musings- Power

"And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the Lord, and I will be the glory in her midst." Zechariah 2:5

For the past week, this verse has been on my heart. I have it on my desk at work, so I read it constantly throughout the day. God is just writing this on my heart. The whole chapter is intense. God is speaking to the prophet, Zechariah, with such an intensity about His people. God loves His people with a fierce love. He will fight for his children, and he will love his children even when they don't love him. He tells them that when the city does not have physical walls to protect them that he will be "a wall of fire" for them. He says that he "will be the glory in [their] midst"- or he will be their strength and power. 

These words mean different things depending on the day, but they challenge me to live as if God is protecting me with a "wall of fire"! Shouldn't that change the way I live my life? I have nothing to fear because when it seems that all my barriers to the world are brought down, God is my protection.When I am open to criticism, God is protecting me. When I love selflessly and open myself up to be hurt, God still protects me.  And he loves me fiercely as his own child. In Romans, Paul writes about this very thing. He says, 

For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:13-14

Those verses lead into the second part of the verse in Zechariah. Not only is he protecting me, he is all around me; His glory is all around me. How powerful! He is protecting me, and he is living through me. I am walking around with the glory of God in my midst. I am led by the Spirit, which makes me free. I am free from all fear because I can call my Creator my Father, my dad. 

I hope you are encouraged by the power in these verses. Pray for God to make these verses real for you. Just this morning I prayed that God would be a wall of fire around me today, and that he would be the glory in my midst. Just pray the scriptures- God loves it when we speak his words back to him.

Much love,

Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's Thursday

*I won't apologize for the lack of posts:)*

I am going to bombard you with pictures of my sweet, precious, adorable, and inevitably perfect (not) puppy!

We got locked out of the apartment:( was cold.

Christmas gift!!

He has decided to take up the practice of walking with sticks. 


You can't really tell in the picture, but he just got a bath and is really fluffy!

Christmas Tree

2012 Family Photo

See you soon!!