Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First 10k!! Woohoo

I promise exercise won't be an everyday occurrence on here, but I have to write about my first 10k Saturday night!!

It was the Retro Night Glow road race put on by a local organization called Project Giving. I ran the 10k with Jared (hubby) and 3 other girlfriends. I had my best time yet!!!! I surprised myself. I had fun too. I am a bit sore today, but I actually don't feel that bad. It makes me excited for the half-marathon in November. I better get training!! 

Yay for running together!!!

In Christ,

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Musings: Fall Edition

Wow!! How about this weather!! It feels like Fall and it is September in Middle Georgia! Woah!

In honor of the weather, we will talk about all things Fall today, so be prepared.

Porches: We will now be sitting on the porch often, as long as the dog doesn't bark at everyone who walks by. Maybe we'll get to know more neighbors with the cooler weather :)

Boots: Oh boots.....need I say more.

Scarves: So pretty, yet so simple. I didn't get to wear my scarves much last year, cuz it never got that cold, but you can bet that I will make a point to wear them this year. They are so much fun!!

Pumpkin Spice Latte: Totally had one last week, and my day was made. That WILL be happening again:)

Pumpkin bread: The hubby has already requested it, so I'm sure it will appear in the Fincher house in the near future. I might share my recipe (not really mine, but I'll send you in the right direction to find it) Maybe I could make some rounds to the neighbors....I know you want to be my neighbor now!

Leaves: I always try to make a point to notice the leaves changing in the fall. It is so easy to get busy and forget to look, but God creates such beauty that just radiates His own beauty. So thankful for beautiful colors in the Fall.

What do you love about Fall??

In Christ,